


圣地亚哥天然气 & 电气公司非常重视您个人信息的隐私和安全. This 关于收集和加州消费者隐私政策的通知 描述了 how we collect, 使用, 和 disclose personal information relating to California residents under the California Consumer 隐私 Act of 2018, as amended by the California Consumer 隐私 Rights Act of 2020 和 regulations promulgated thereunder (“CCPA”).


“CCPA”将“个人信息”描述为以下信息, 涉及到, 描述了, 能合理地与…联系在一起, 或者可以合理地联系起来, 直接或间接, 与特定的加州居民或家庭. 然而, CCPA不适用于某些信息, such as information subject to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act or the 健康 Information Portability Accountability Act.


We collect the following categories of Personal Information about California residents 和 disclose to third parties or service providers for the business purposes listed. 

在过去的12个月中, 我们可能有, 取决于你和我们的互动, 收集以下类别的个人资料: 

  1. 标识符,如姓名、联系信息和政府ID,
  2. Personal information, as defined in the California safeguards law, such as financial information, 
  3. 受加州或联邦法律保护的分类, 例如残疾状态或其他属性, 
  4. 客户记录,如交易、账目、能源使用和收入信息;
  5. Internet or network activity, such as browsing history 和 interactions with our website, 
  6. 地理位置数据,如设备位置;
  7. 音频、电子、视觉或类似信息,如电话和视频记录; 
  8. 专业或与就业相关的信息,如工作经历和前雇主, 
  9. 教育信息, 如学校和毕业日期, 学生奖学金申请, 和
  10. Inferences drawn from above to create a profile about you, your preferences 和 characteristics.


  1. 经营、管理和维护我们的业务,
  2. 为了提供和改进我们的产品和服务, 
  3. 与您沟通并管理您的帐户,包括计费和信用服务; 
  4. 为确定您是否有资格参加某些项目,
  5. 出于我们的雇佣和供应商管理目的,  
  6. 个性化、宣传、开发、改进和营销我们的产品和服务;     
  7. 在质量、安全、研究和数据分析方面, 
  8. 侦测及防止诈骗及保安事件; 
  9. 维护我们的设施、系统和基础设施, 
  10. 执行会计、审计和其他内部职能; 
  11. 保存业务记录; 
  12. 进行调查并遵守法律义务;  
  13. 行使和捍卫法律权利,保护您、我们和他人,
  14. 对于使用,我们会通知您或征得您的同意  
  15. 以符合提供该资料的环境的合法方式使用.


We store your Personal Information for as long as needed or permitted based on the reason for which we obtained it.   在决定保留多长时间时,我们考虑了所有适用的法律义务.  而不是删除您的个人信息, 我们可以根据CCPA对其进行识别, 通过删除标识细节.  一旦我们这样做了,我们就不会试图重新识别它.


California law grants California residents’ certain rights 和 imposes restrictions on particular business practices as set forth below.

收款通知: 我们必须通知加州居民, 在收集其个人信息时或之前, the categories of Personal Information collected 和 the purposes for which such information is 使用d.  

可核实的删除请求、访问/复制请求和知情权. 除某些例外情况外, 加州居民有权提出以下要求, 免费:

删除权: 有权要求删除我们收集的有关他们的个人信息, 除某些豁免外, 并删除这些个人信息, except where necessary that we maintain such Personal Information for reasons such as the following:

  • 完成收集个人信息的交易, fulfill the terms of a written warranty or product recall conducted in accordance with federal law, 提供消费者要求的商品或服务, or reasonably anticipated within the context of a business’s ongoing business relationship with the consumer, 或者在企业和消费者之间执行合同.
  • 检测安全事件, 防范恶意攻击, 具有欺骗性的, 欺诈, or illegal activity; or prosecute those responsible for that activity.
  • 调试用于识别和修复损害现有预期功能的错误.
  • 行使言论自由, 确保另一位消费者行使其言论自由权的权利, 或行使法律规定的其他权利.
  • 遵守禁止删除的通信法律.
  • 参与公共或同行评审的科学研究, 历史, or statistical research in the public interest that adheres to all other applicable ethics 和 privacy laws, when the businesses’ deletion of the information is likely to render impossible or seriously impair the achievement of such research, 如果消费者已经提供了知情同意.
  • Enable solely internal 使用s that are reasonably aligned with the expectations of the consumer based on the consumer’s relationship with the business.
  • 遵守法律义务.
  • 否则使用消费者的个人信息, 在内部, in a lawful manner that is compatible with the context in which the consumer provided the information.

Please note that the great majority of Personal Information we collect falls into the foregoing exemptions.

查阅/复制权: (Up to twice every 12 months) 正确的 to request a copy of the specific pieces of Personal Information that we have collected about them in the prior 12 months 和 to have this delivered, 免费, (a)在便携式和, 在技术可行的范围内, readily 使用able format that allows the individual to transmit this information to another entity without hindrance or (b) by mail. 出于安全原因和遵守CCPA, 某些高度敏感的个人信息, 比如社会安全号码, 驾驶执照号码, 银行账号, 将不提供, 但如果我们在这12个月的时间内收到了,我们会通知你.

选择退出/不出售权: 有权选择不出售(如有)他们的个人信息. 然而,我们不出售CCPA所指的个人信息. 

知情权: (Up to twice every 12 months) 正确的 to request that we provide them certain information about how we have h和led their Personal Information in the prior 12 months, 包括:

  • 收集的个人信息类别;
  • 个人信息来源的类别;
  • 收集或出售其个人信息的商业及/或商业目的;
  • 我们与之共享其个人信息的第三方类别;
  • categories of Personal Information that we have disclosed or shared with a third party for a business purpose;
  • the right to request the specific pieces of Personal Information collected (see above) ; 和
  • categories of third parties to whom the residents’ Personal Information has been sold 和 the specific categories of Personal Information sold to each category of third party.

改正权: 有权要求我们更正您个人信息中的不准确之处.

限制使用和披露的权利: 正确的, 受某些条件和例外的限制, 您有权限制“个人敏感信息”的使用和披露,的定义. 然而,我们不从事触发这一权利的活动.

提交请求. 请求行使删除权, 获得副本的权利, 及/或知情权可于本网站提交 私隐网页 或拨打800-411-7343(免费)与我们联系. We will respond to verifiable requests received from California consumers or their authorized agents as required by law by matching the information provided against the information we have about you or requesting that you log into your account. 如果我们无法充分核实请求,我们会通知请求者. 获授权代理人须提供授权证明, 和 we may also require that the relevant consumer directly verify their identity 和 the authority of the authorized agent.    

财政激励、销售和非歧视. The CCPA prohibits discrimination against California residents for exercising their rights under the CCPA 和 imposes requirements on any financial incentives offered to California residents related to their Personal Information.

歧视: 商户不得歧视在《全球十大博彩公司评级》下行使权利的居民. Discrimination may exist where a business denies or provides a different level or quality of goods or services, or charges (or suggests that it will charge) different prices or rates or impose penalties on residents who exercise their CCPA rights, unless doing so is reasonably related to the value provided to the business by the residents’ data.

财务奖励和销售的披露: 如果企业提供任何经济奖励收集, 出售或删除其个人信息, residents have the right to be notified of any financial incentives offers 和 their material terms, 未经事先知情选择加入同意而不被列入此类要约的权利, 以及随时选择退出此类优惠的权利. 企业 may not offer unjust, unreasonable, coercive, or usurious financial incentives. 我们目前不提供任何此类奖励或出售您的个人信息, 每一项均按CCPA所述.

请查看我们的完整网站 隐私政策 . 联系我们,请拨打1-800-411-7343.